
Still Living Healthy in 2014?

As we enter the second quarter of 2014, I wonder how you’re doing with your healthy New Year’s resolutions? Or new habits? Whatever you’ve chosen to call it, how are you doing? So many start the race expecting awesome results. But by the end of the...

Welcome 2014 With New Healthy Eating Habits

Out with the old, in with the new, right? This is the time of year we like to prepare for a fresh start. So I thought I’d share a list of healthy eating related habits you can toss out with the end of 2013, and those you can replace them with for 2014. 1. Out-...

How I Finally Lost the Weight, and How You Can Too

Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled with weight.  I know I have, for a good chunk of my life.  At one point I thought I had it all figured out, losing 32 pounds and dropping from a size 16 to a 6. Then, I had babies.  And I hit 40.  And the weight struggles...

Detox for a Diva Exclusive Video

httpv://youtu.be/2q3x2ooxU28 Tired? Overweight? Acne? Eczema? Memory loss? Poor concentration? Bulging belly? Insomnia? IBS? Depression? Visit http://www.reneemsimpson.com/services/detox-coaching/ to get access to the exclusive video from the most recent Detox for a...

The Truth About Green Smoothies

Have you or have you not noticed the hype about green smoothies?  When I Googled “green smoothies” I got 12 million results.  So what’s the big deal?  It’s funny that just like the gluten free bandwagon, lots of people have jumped on and have no idea why.  Well,...

Black Girls Juicing for Health – Our 3 Day Cleanse

A couple of months ago I did a post on my green smoothie party.  It was really nice to get some sistas together for a healthy cause.  This month, which at Soul Food Therapy is Juicy June, we were inspired by Kareen of I am Eating Right to do a 3 day juice...