
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
~ John 10:10 (KJV)

​Usually, we lack spiritual and emotional prosperity because we distrust God and God’s Word. Several places in the Word inform us that God wants the best for us. Yet, many of us cannot get to the place where we trust God. People in our lives who we have trusted have hurt us physically, emotionally or sexually. We are still dealing with the consequences of that abuse, neglect and rejection. We doubt that we have the discernment to trust the right people, so we trust no one, not even God. We have found that it is risky to trust, so we do not do it. We cannot achieve spiritual and emotional prosperity until we learn to trust that God wants the best for us.

This transformation does not occur overnight or in a week or two. This growth process of trusting God and believing the promises which are contained in the Bible is slow and methodical. We can begin the process by studying the Word daily. We should highlight or underline the promises contained in the Bible. When we read a promise with which we do not agree, we must analyze why we do not agree with that promise. The revelation about why we cannot believe the promise may not come immediately. If we pray and ask God to reveal why we do not believe, God will show us. The key is that we must be sincere and want to grow. Otherwise, we are just spinning our wheels and going through the motions and accomplishing nothing.

​In our scripture, Jesus stated that He offers us an abundant life. Jesus is not referring to material goods. Jesus is not solely referring to life in heaven after we die. We, believers in Christ, can experience living abundantly on earth. Spiritually, abundant living involves peace, joy, and love. Today, let us begin the growth process of trusting God. Meditate on today’s scripture. Be blessed as you increase your focus on your spiritual and emotional health. Remain encouraged.