by Renee Mitchell | Sep 28, 2012 | Think like a Well Diva
We’ve all heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Well, let’s test it out. Three weeks ago, a few of us worked on shrinking that kangaroo pouch for 21 days. I’m not sure if we were as successful as we had hoped to be, so let’s try...
by Renee Mitchell | Aug 12, 2012 | Think like a Well Diva
I love the Olympics. But I must admit that somewhere in the middle of week two I’m always the one to complain that it has been on just too damn long. And then as we approach the final days I start to wish I had appreciated it more, and get a little sad at the...
by Renee Mitchell | Aug 6, 2012 | Think like a Well Diva
In my last post I mentioned that I had not been myself for a while, and that I’m back to my old self. I kind of forgot how crazy and daring I used to be. So what did I do?… I signed up to be in a flash mob – and I KNOW I have back and knee issues,...
by Renee Mitchell | Jun 27, 2011 | Think like a Well Diva
Yesterday hubby took the fam on a nice little road trip down the coast, or was it up the coast? I don’t know, but it was certainly full of opportunity to eat my way through a small part of California. Good thing I had already decided that I would not be overcome...
by Renee Mitchell | Jan 24, 2011 | Body, Think like a Well Diva
As we approach the end of the first month of the new decade, I wonder how many resolutions have survived. Many started the year hyped up about one particularly popular resolution, weight loss. Possibly the most popular New Year’s resolution, it may also be the...