
Gluten Free Cornbread Recipe

Aside from my fabulous sweet potatoes/yams, I’d have to say dressing is my all time favorite Thanksgiving dish.  When I found out gluten was a problem for me, I had to figure out how to still enjoy my momma’s version of sage and onion flavored buttery...

Are you Weighing Yourself too Often?

Hey Diva! Have you ever stepped on the scale and walked away just crushed?  Or pissed?  Or ashamed? I recently had a conversation with a client, and then another with a friend, about the dreaded scale.  Many a Diva has cried over the little window on the scale.  Many...

Season’s Eatings, and Eatings, and Eatings

Eat, drink, be merry, sleep, repeat. This is the most popular time of year for a lifestyle conducive to weight gain. I will be as realistic as I can about this. In a perfect world, we will watch our intake through the holiday season, continue going to the gym, and...