
Introducing the Sahara Sisters of 2019

Did you know you could bring together a group of women who didn’t know each other and 10 days later and end up with a sisterhood?

I’ve repeatedly done this, and it just keeps getting better and better. Who would have thought leaving a secure nutritionist job would have me sitting in the Sahara Desert bonding with new sisters a year later? I love what I do, and it’s women like these who make that my reality.


It’s difficult enough to travel to new places. The nerves, the money spent on something you don’t even know the outcome of, the temporary loss of some of the comforts of home, the time away from family… there’s just so much to consider.

But then you have an experience like ours and it’s all worth it.



Morocco 2019

I visited Morocco for the first time a year ago, and took 21 women with me. I fell in love with it at that time. The people, the food, the languages, the shopping, the feeling of being in a place that reminded me of my time in Saudi. I was totally sprung. So, I couldn’t wait to share my new love with a whole new group.

I believe on my first visit to Morocco, I was so busy being excited about my surroundings that I didn’t get to observe how much the ladies in the group were experiencing the same excitement. But this time the focus was on making sure they recognized the awesomeness that I already knew. And in that, I became much more aware of how well this group was blending.

We had educators, lawyers, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives and visionaries representing California, New Jersey, and quite a few in between. A surprising 50% of the group required roommate matching (being paired with a roommate they had not previously met). Ages in this group ranged from 40 to 60. Some mothers, some not. Some married, some not. With all of that, this group simply blended like the sand we were trekking through.

I’m noticing a pattern. The more we travel, the more our groups seem to blend together like sisters.



Chefchaouen, Morocco

I think one of the reasons my groups connect so well was that the ladies choose trips that are a good fit for them. Getting to the most amazing spots on Earth is never without significant effort. It’s not all pretty or easy. If you’ve ever been to the Grand Canyon, you know what I mean. I wrote a post last year about our first Morocco experience, but I also gave some idea of who this trip is and isn’t for in another post.

The ladies in my group usually choose a trip that is a great fit for them. And that makes all the difference in the world. As a travel agent, it would be easy for me to promote all trips to all interested parties. But I don’t do that. I want you to have a good time, and I want everyone else on the trip to do the same. That’s not possible if you find yourself signed up for a journey not suited to your taste or needs. When that happens, not only are you unhappy, but you make others around you unhappy, and me too. So, what benefit would that be?

My worst nightmare would be for someone to sign up for a particular experience knowing they can’t handle the physical attributes (the heat, the hills, whatever). Not only would that be a horrible experience for them, but it would also negatively impact the rest of the group. Or someone who tends to focus on what’s wrong more than what’s right – that type of energy can ruin any attempt to bond with others.


Arc de Triomphe, Paris

As we move towards opening registration for our 2021 experiences, I ask you to consider who you are before you jump on board. I would love for everyone to go on all trips, I really would. But I’m learning that this group is different. We bond. I don’t think that happens in most travel groups. Like, you really end up with a whole group of sisters if all goes as planned and you’re open to that type of experience. So it’s not for everyone. And neither is each experience.

I visited India alone this year, and for example, I wouldn’t expect that to be a place everyone would be able to appreciate. But the same goes for Paris. It’s a totally different place and while many people love Paris, some won’t enjoy it. And I don’t think anyone wants to spend time, money, resources, energy on a trip they don’t truly love.


Paris, France September 2019

Shout out to the more than 200 ladies who have joined us over the past 2 years!

Thank you for knowing who you are and being respectful of the rest of the group in the experiences you choose for yourself. Thank you for being open to meeting others, and going with the flow when necessary. I know that no experience is completely flawless, so I thank you for your patience with the process and, at times, with each other.

You have each uniquely contributed to our sisterhood. Like any other family, we have our ups and downs. I’m happy to say that the ups far outweigh the downs.  In my Tupac voice – You are appreciated. As for those who have not joined us, if you feel like this sisterhood is calling you, I’d love to know, what’s stopping you from answering the call?
