
WellDivaSedona_Lindahl-8113While in Sedona recently some of the ladies and I were talking about living a life that makes you happy. That was pretty much the theme of the whole weekend. Some of the events that were included, like the photo shoot, were added at the last minute because I just wanted to do something that I thought would make us all happy. And it did.

Some of you may recall I went through a separation a couple of years ago. That was the beginning of me redesigning my life to make sure I’m living a life of happiness. About 2 years later and I can tell you, that separation was the best decision I could ever have made.

Recently one of our “Sedona sisters” mentioned that sipping wine in Napa Valley is on her “bucket list”. I hadn’t realized until then, I haven’t updated my list in several years. I have no idea what’s on it. Do you have such a list? And are you making sure you live in a way that sets you up to do what’s on the list?

If I had such a list I would include the following:

  1. a trip to Dubai. I’ve always wanted to return to where I lived as a teen (Saudi Arabia) but thought Dubai would be close enough, and probably safer. So recently I made plans to go to Dubai. I’ll be there around this time next year.
  2. Another thing on my list would be to host retreats. I can now check that off. Woohoo!
  3. One more thing – to ride in a hot air balloon. Hopefully when we get to Napa Valley I’ll find someone who has that on their list too, since I don’t want to do it alone.

I can’t think of anything else to add to the list right now. I guess that means I’m pretty happy. Every since I saw the movie The Pursuit of Happyness I’ve thought of happiness as something you generate by creating circumstances and situations that make it possible for things that you want to happen in your life. And since I’ve been doing that, yeah, I can really say I’m living pretty happily.

So what’s on your list? And what’s keeping you from checking it off?